Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday Trivia

  1. Eagles see better than humans on clear days, humans see better than eagles on foggy days.
  2. The United States spends $79 million a day collecting "intelligence" around the world.
  3. Your're born with 300 bones, but have only 206 as an adult. The others fuse together.
  4. An average person gives off about as much heat in an hour as a 100~watt light bulb.
  5. 63% of shopping~mall Santa's have a college degree...and 29% are fluent in sign language.
  6. The average Japanese drinks 4.8 gallons of liquor a year, the average American drinks 1.3 gallons.
  7. It took Einstein five weeks to write his Theory of Relativity.
  8. The average American opens their fridge 22 times a day.
  9. Emergency call: In the U.S. you dial 911; in Stockholm, Sweden, you dial 90000.
  10. Three U.S. towns are named Santa Claus.
  11. Reindeer are the only species of deer in which the female grows antlers.
  12. A snowstorm becomes a blizzard when the temp drops below 2o°F and wind speed hits 35 mph.


Bob G. said...


Lemme see how well I fare today.

1 - You're NOT talking about the Philadelphia EAGLES, right?
2 - Wonder why they're not USING it?
3 - And the REST of them get arthritic!
4 - Someone's been watching THE MATRIX again.
5 - And we thought they "took the summers off".
6 - So we should be partying with MORE Japanese.
7 - And we've spent DECADES trying to disprove it.
8 - Great, now I'm going to be subliminally COUNTING when I grab another cold one.
9 - Wonder what happens if I dial 90000 in the USA? (you get Swedish meatballs?)
10 - And one of them is in INDIANA!
11 - A horny bugger, isn't she?
12 - I'll take a blizzard to last years ICE STORM...any day!

Good mental exercises for the morning...thanks!

ms nk rey said...

Dang I like your list better than mine.
Thanks for the visit.