Monday, December 14, 2009

Am I wrong?

Am I wrong or Is it just me, do all the ads during the day assume you are either A. ninety years old, B. unemployed, or C. disabled?? There are more sue-everyone-for-anything-lawyer ads, weird-sort-of colleges, or medicine for everything -leaking -out -of -every -orifice you have ads on while I catch up on old Golden Girls or Friends reruns. What happened to all the Happy Housewives cleaning product ads?? Scrubbin Bubbles??

Am I wrong or Is it just me or...does Jon Gosselin get the Douche of the Year award? Or does Tiger get that now??

Am I wrong or Is it just me most people find that they either pee a gazillion times per day or almost not at all? And just why does that happen??

Am I wrong, Is it just me or...does a couple nights without enough sleep make you start to feel sick? I'm not 93. I shouldn't need that much sleep. I'm like a washed up old hag. How am I supposed to hang with the young folk if I'm tired by 9 P.M.?? See? I said "young folk". I'm so old.

Am I wrong, Is it just me or...was this the lamest blog post in the history of blogging??

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

NO, you're not wrong...not even on the LAST sentence...
I found it marvelously agreeable.

And I will add that most ads also assume you haven't a functioning brain cell in your entire cranial cavity!
As for the peeing...depends on WHAT you drink...and how much.
ANd yes, I need more sleep too, but being deprived of such by the local boomcar brigade playing (c)rap music at 140 decibels does tend to deny something as innocent and harmless AS SLEEP.

Nope, this was a damn fine post, dear!