Saturday, December 12, 2009

Things I don't care about:

  • Tiger Woods' private life.
  • What club Tiger's wife may or may not have used to beat the crap out of him.
  • How much money tabloids pay people to dish dirt.
  • Gloria Allred.
  • The terms of the Woods' pre-nuptual agreement.
  • How many women there actually are.
  • Tiger Wood’s drinking habits
  • Tiger Wood’s pill habits.

No matter what Tiger did and how many women he did it to, it is not NEWS as in capital letters kind of news. When NBC is using TMZ (a gossip show) as a source for stories, then it is gossip. There are more important things for us to focus on. The more the media plays into this glorification of celebrity and gossip - the stupider society is going to become. This really must change.


Bob G. said...

I was all "Tigered-out" after the FIRST day...

One sad thing about TODAY'S society, as opposed to about 40-50 years ago, was that back then, we weren't so damned concerned about the private lives of celebs...

And if you go back even further, that area was pretty much TABOO for even the "paparazzi".

I look at it this way:
If these celebs don't care about MY life, I can just 'return the favor"...

Sound like a plan?

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better. I'm sick of Tiger and all the hype that goes with him. Who cares, well his wife, but who else. For all I care he can just fade away with all or half of his money.
Your site is great keep up the good work