Friday, December 4, 2009


We all have a lot to learn. Among all the people who have a lot to learn, I probably have more to learn, because I am a slow, stubborn learner, but I hope yesterdays entry conveyed the ability to find the positive within the negative of COPD.

There are certainly a lot of negatives out there, but by finding the positives, we can change our outlook on the world.

I could go on about this point for paragraphs. You know. You’ve seen me do it, but I want to keep this conclusion short and sweet.

Please find what you need in this world. Be it someone to talk to, medical intervention, or a warm puppy to cuddle. There are so many great possibilities out there for all of us, and I am glad I have found what works for me. That entry may have helped you, enraged you, or done nothing for you at all, but thank you for stopping by to read and comment. I feel we are in some small way more connected now, and even though I may not know you, I want you to feel safe, secure, and happy. Find this in whatever you choose to do.

You are okay. You will be okay.


Bob G. said...

Although I did miss reading one of your lists today, I found this nicely profound, and on a chilly morning such as this (in Indiana), I somehow feel a bit warmer now by reading this.

Have a great weekend.

ms nk rey said...

I promise more lists are coming!

Anonymous said...

There is as much good as bad in everyone's life. Nature always demands a balance. Recognizing which is which can often be a challenge.

Anonymous said...

We do know each other and you are one of the strongest people I know. I'm so glad that we have this venue to stay connected. Have a good weekend.