Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why is it that:

  1. The older men get the higher they wear their pants?
  2. Birthdays come around faster the older you get?
  3. We are still fascinated by Jon and Kate?
  4. People who blow their nose, analyze the content of their hanky?
  5. Men’s and women’s shirts have buttons on the opposite sides?
  6. Tampon commercials are so damn cheerful?
  7. People take a bath in after shave or perfume?
  8. Fritos smell so bad but taste so good?
  9. Old people block the aisles in the supermarket?
  10. Prizes in a box of Cracker Jacks are getting cheaper and cheaper?


springtime36 said...

Glad someone else notices these things...What a beautiful winter picture!

Bob G. said...

1 - I wouldn't know...MY waist is still where I left it when I was a kid...LOL.

2 - EVERYTHING comes around faster...must be a relativity issue.

3 - Never was...never will be.

4 - Or their sleeve (ewwww)

5 - Never figured that one out, either.

6 - Same with laxatives...WTF?

7 - It used to be called a "college shower"...LOL

8 - I'll pass on those, TYVM.

9 - ANd the streets, shuffling cholesterol.

10 - COst overruns in Thailand, no doubt.
Maybe they can get a bailout?

Got my smile for the weekend...thanks!


ms nk rey said...

Thanks for the comments folks! The new header is my house, well the back of my house to be exact, the picture was taken from the west looking east toward down town Podunk. The room on the back, is where I drink my morning coffee every day. The big white expanse is the frozen Wabash River. I am so very lucky to have such a beautiful view.

Anonymous said...

You do have a beautiful view from the back looking at river. On your why is it that list #7 was a big pet peave I had with women & men that soaked themselves in as much foul smelling cologne that when it mixed with their BO after 10hrs of work, I wanted to puke. And why is it that people feel the need to drive in the left lane of an interstate 1mph under the limit?