Friday, May 4, 2012

5 On Friday and a picture

1.  What is the best part of May?
The nice weather as it is going to get and stay nice very soon. Also the name, it is easier to text than something like  oh say …January.
2.  Do you usually consider the glass half empty or half full?
There was a time when I would have had to say half empty, but I am happy to say I turned that corner and now my glass is always half full.
3.  What part or parts of your body do you shave regularly?
hmmmm well now that is a very personal question but me being me I will answer it for you all. I just do not shave any part or parts on a regular basis. Lucky for me my hair grows very slowly.
4.  What day is typically your busiest of the week?  What day are you usually the happiest?  What day are you usually the saddest?
Haha tricky question. how bout sometimes all on the same day.
5.  What is one thing you believe people would be surprised to know about you?
I never read a book twice. I cannot read something that I have read before. I do not like to read something when I already know how it ends. If I start reading something and I have read it before I will put it back down. And usually I know within the first couple pages if I have read it before even if it has been 30 years since I read it.

And I will finish up with a couple pictures of our girl watching her big brothers ball game.



Bob G. said...

Gonna be another fun 5...

1) Best part of may is the middle of the month (for us) fireworks yet and lots of bloominmg goin' on in the garden.

2) Depends on "how thirsty": I am at the time...heh.

3) My face (the Jeremiah Johnson look is OUT for

4) Busiest day dependfs on how uppity the locals get.
Best day is Saturday...always was.
Saddest day of the week could be any day I hear bad news...I try my damndest to be as upbeat as allowable, and that ain;t easy here.

5) What ONE thing that folks would be surprised to know about me?
-- Was told I should have think about being a comic artist (BY a famous artist).
(there are several more that would blow your mind)
The picture of Morgan got me thinking...she looks like she's waiting to place a bet ON that

Very cute.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

#3- knocked over, probably with spillage on something important.

Joanne said...

She looks adorable sitting in her pink chair!
Blessings, Joanne