Saturday, May 5, 2012

Out my back door and thru the screen

 geese geesea geeseb

Mama and daddy goose and their goslings. They were out near Little John eating the grass.  I took a couple pictures thru the open window and tried to be very quiet going out side but they went down the bank and into the river.. they swam upstream all in a little line.


Joanne said...

I love seeing this every year. It always looks so sweet. Thanks for sharing the great pictures!
Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

That has just GOT to be such a marvelously CALMING influence on a person...watching nature doing it's thing...

Talk about NICE!
I trust "Little John" realizes how GOOD he has

Excellent photos.

Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

Glad little Johnny has a friend that sticks by him all the time