Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I’m not green

Every time I turn around there's a billboard, TV commercial, online ad.. or whatever- about being or going Green. You know? Recycle this. Reuse that. Refurbish. Re-gift. Eat local. Buy natural/organic... Among other things!! I do my part as best I can but I don't generally go out of my way.. Most of my green activity comes naturally. Sorry, I don't recycle the few and far between bottles and cans I manage to bring in to my house. I leave that to the dumpster divers. What I don't understand is.. Why are newspaper and phone book companies still not Green? Even if it is recycled paper! Makes no sense to me that every 3-4 months I will step outside and discover a stack of phone books on my porch! I didn't ask for those! I do love those cute & fashionable reusable grocery bags they make now. I haven't bought any for myself.


Alice said...

I like the idea of reusable grocery bags, but don't have the discipline to follow through on bringing them.

I re-use the plastic ones at home anyway, so they don't go to 'waste'.

Anonymous said...

The "reusable bags" are they sanitary? How about when that package of chicken leaks, then next trip same bag apples or grapes? not for me.

Bob G. said...

--My LAWN is GREEN (most of the year).
--My CAR is BLACK (had a green one ONCE, does that count?)
--I PREFER incandescent bulbs, thank you.
--I COOK, rather than grab fast food (and the trash that the wrappers, cups and bags become)
--I DO recycle plastics, glass and metals.
I prefer PAPER bags at the grocery (plastic is for meats and frozen stuff)
Agree w/ anon on the chicken drips...plastic is better
--I don't waste utilities or food.
--I use the phone books for my BB pistol shooting gallery in the basement as BACKSTOPS!
(works damn well, too)
-- I DO wish they'd bring back DEPOSIT BOTTLES in Indiana...might get rid of the crap that the mooks toss on my lawn.

As to all the tree-hugging loons out there who wear hemp clothes (and later smoke them)...ain't got time for that.
I think I'm about as "green" as I want to be.
(at least there's no MOSS in my wallet...LOL)

Good post.

Stay safe (and serene) down there.