Friday, May 18, 2012

5 on Friday:

1. Messy or Tidy?

I'm not saying I'm messy, but if there's an opposite of O.C.D, I probably have that.

2. Coke or Pepsi?

Neither, A&W diet Root Beer please

3. Pop or Soda?


4. Do you eat a lot of fast food?

Yes but I don't understand fast food. I've been eating it for years but I seem to be getting slower and slower.

5. Do you always pay attention to conversations?

No not always but sometimes I make up words and slip them into conversations just to see if anyone is actually profettishing attention to what I'm saying.


Bob G. said...

I am SO glad you have a "five" up today...I can use the mental stimulation (see my blogpost for details)...LOL.

1) Tidy most times, messy once in a while, BUT, I TIDY UP soon afterwards.

2) Dfinitely DR. PEPPER!!!

3) Soda (it's an EAST coast thing)
Pop married my mom.

4) Not that often, unlike the locals that LIVE on it (and have the "junk in their trunk" to PROVE
(too many bedonkadonk butts around here)

5) As a rule, YES...I might hear something I can "exploit"...LOL!

Excellent list today.

Have a fantastic weekend (doo, doo, doo...looking out your back door).

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I drink the diet A&W at work- the only diet that tastes anything close to the original.