Friday, May 25, 2012

5 on Friday

1. What will you be doing this Memorial Day weekend?

Well I always watch the race. My ex and I went to it for years and loved the excitement. I always tear up when they play Taps. Glad I am not going this year since I heard the weather forecast say 95ยบ Yikes.

2. Do you have any Memorial Day memories to share?

I remember my grandma R. and I would load up her old car with Lilacs, Peonies and glass canning jars and head out to the cemeteries. It would be my job to dig a hole for the jar, fill it with water and place the live flowers in it. All the while, my grandma would visit with people that she only saw once a year. Good memories. To this day Lilacs and Peonies are my favorite flowers. I always feel bad to see a grave with no flowers or flag on it. It was called Decoration Day and was also a social occasion for my grandma. I feel we lost a lot of the significance of the day when Memorial Day was changed to the last Monday in May to provide a three day weekend for the nation. Just MHO

3. You have the ability to snap your fingers and be instantly transported to one of three places whenever you wish to go there. Which three places would you select as your destinations?

I would like to go back to Fort Mountain State Park in Jawja. The second would be Myrtle Beach. The third would be right here in my humble home.

4. Which business do you have the longest continuous relationship with: your bank, your auto insurance provider, your home telephone provider, your cellular phone provider, or your cable company? How long have you been with them?

That would be my bank. I have been with them for 30+ years.

5. What is the most embarrassing question you've ever been asked?

I am pretty straight forward with my life and possibly share way to much. It is pretty hard to embarrass me. I am pretty hard to shock too.


Anonymous said...

1)Sat.I am going to Muncie to have lunch with some special friends, Sun. church, then watching race, & Mon. nothing but rest.
2)I too, went to cemetaries. Loved doing that with my Mom & grandparents. I also remember putting lilacs & peonies on graves. But now the lilacs are long gone & the peonies are dying by Memorial weekend. Weird!
3)Carmel, In., to be with my kids & grandkids, Florida, to be with my brother & family & Hawaii.
4)My bank...24 yrs.
5)I can't think of any at the moment. I don't embarass easily.

Bob G. said...

1) Have to watch the race too...that goes back to before they showed it on TV...Dad and I listened to it ON THE RADIO (remember THOSE?)

2) Every Memorial Day was special in it's own way when I was growing up.

3) Wow, that's a hard one.
a) Scotland
b) Yosemite Park
c) PennyPack Park in Philly.

4) Tiossup between our bank and insurance co. Been with them both the same amount of time 15+ years.
(and they're both great)

5) Can't remember any, but there was a teen that asked me in a Philly pizza shop if I wanted to buy some "ludes", and than asked if I was a NARC...LOL
I answered: "why would I tell you if I was, kid?"

Seen way too much to be amazed these days..even here in Ft. Wayne.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

1- Stay tuned...
2-only how much I enjoyed an early teenage one that consisted of sitting in a chair in the front yard with my radio and every baseball game I could pull in.
3- Lake, lake, er... ocean?
4- bank- credit union, actually. Life long.
5- "did you cut this?" Works equally well as a question when presented with a stack of miscut cushions at work, and when someone walks into a fart cloud.

ms nk rey said...

CW my mind went to fart cloud before the cushions.. Thanks for the smile. Keep cool this weekend.