Friday, May 11, 2012

5 on Friday

1. What did you do for Cinco de Mayo?

Uh.. who me? Are you serious?

2. Is society overly obsessed with celebrities?

Oh yeah, many times I have noticed instead of hard news they now report celebrity gossip. I really am not interested in how much Lindsey Lohan drank last night or that George Clooney has a new trophy girlfriend.

3. If you could name a planet what would you name it and why.

Holy crap that is hard, probably some soothing name like Serenity or Blessing or even Happiness. I am goofy that way.

4. What gift would you like to receive on Mothers Day? ( Must be Tangible )

I would like a few plants for outside, maybe a hanging basket of flowers and of course my traditional (new) Boston Fern.

5. Are you competitive?

I am an extremely competitive person. I am the oldest of three and always have felt the need to prove myself to everyone. And I can be a sore loser


Bob G. said...

This is gonna be a good "five"...LOL.

1) Listen to the drunken Hispanics across the street celebrate?

2) YES...OVERLY obsessed and maxxed the hell out.
Those celebs don't care about me, so I just "return the favor".

3) Well, I already renamed THIS planet to BIZARRO WORLD...does that count?
(because it's gone topsy-turvy)

4) My MOM, who has been departed since 1998...just to chat for an afternoon. I still miss her.

5) Only when I HAVE to be.
I tend to compete with MYSELF more than anyone (and I don't like to lose...LOL).

Great *5*!
Have a fantastic weekend.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Agree w/Bob on 2, 4, 5... I'm sure you read about MY C de M... And I've been too busy terraforming in my mind to think up a name yet.