Friday, June 8, 2012

5 on Friday

1. If you were given one million dollars, on the condition that you had to give half of it away, how would you go about giving away half a million dollars?

This is a great question, I would probably do some research and find a really deserving family to help out. I read the blogs and there are so many sick children out there that have cancer or other life ending disease. I would help their parents to free them from worry about bills, so they can spend precious time with their child.  Now with my half I would pay off my house, pay off my kids houses, and arrange for a family trip to Australia for them all. 

2. Do you write letters or send cards to anyone via the postal system regularly, only for special occasions such as birthdays, or not at all?

You know I used to write my aunt.  Would write her at least once a week. But since she is gone I only send cards for special occasions. 

3.  What is the most treasured memento you have kept?

It is a purple candle shaped like a Hippo.  It was my only gift one Christmas and it was from my boys. It sits proudly in my china cabinet with my other mementos. I am a sentimental person and I save everything.  I have the outfits my boys wore home from the hospital, ( and they are framed and displayed) a piece of my dads airplane, and I save cards, invitations and announcements.. but don’t consider myself a pack rat or hoarder

4.  If one of your friends phones you at 4am because they are depressed and upset, but you have an important job interview in the morning. What do you do?

Well right off the bat I will tell you that I am not the person you want to wake up in the middle of the night.  If you do manage it I would probably listen and offer sympathy to you.  But I am not usually very nice when awakened in the middle of the night.

5.  What is the phrase or quote that sums up who you are as a person?

No idea.


Bob G. said...

Let's see what you have planned for us today...

1) That's REAL easy:
$125K to the ASPCA
$125K to St. Jude's Hospital
$125K to Make-A-WIsh
$125K to Wounded Warriors

2) Special occassions - for me, it's more personal.

3) My Father's photo album from when he was in WW2.

4) Talk with the friend, if they think THAT much of me and value my are like buses..another one will come along, and maybe the place I was going to will understand and hire me becasue of my ethics.

5) "Be all that you can be."
(and you don't HAVE to join the ARMY to do that)
Besides, you spend more time with YOU than anyone else, right?

Great list.

Have yourself a fantastic weekend.

Stay safe (and air-conditioned) down there.

CWMartin said...

1. I would set up with Children International (whom we sponsor a child through) a way to figure out how many kids we could spopnsor for say 15 years with it, and then do so.
2. The Great Postcard Campaign!
3. "Shaky Jake" a car I've had since childhood. Its a model t with an elderly driver which used to shake and go forward, with the neatest lantern lights, when you turn it on.
4. What Bob said. I've done it plenty before.
5. "No matter where I go, there I am."