Friday, June 15, 2012

5 on Friday

1. You're holding a dinner party and can invite three famous people from the past or present who would they be?
Harper Lee, Mark Martin, and Marilyn Monroe (because I want the truth about Kennedy) can you say interesting mix for a party?.

2. You have the opportunity question someone about something you've always wanted to know and receive a truthful answer, what would your question be?
I don’t know if I could handle that much power. Seriously I don’t know.

3. If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
I would never have smoked thus changing my health.

4. If you could save other peoples lives by an completing an act that would lead to your own death would you do it?
That would clearly depend on who could be saved. In theory, it's easy to say yes, I would for anyone but that's simply... unrealistic. Unless you're suicidal to begin with. Hehe. Depends very much on the circumstances. What I'm doing with my life as opposed to what those people would do with their lives. Would they appreciate it? And how I would die.

5. Would you commit murder if you knew you could get away with it?
Nope, because I'd still go to hell, and I don't hate anyone that much.


CWMartin said...

1. This changes as the mood hits. Since its baseball season, how about Babe Ruth, Jimmie Foxx, and Mickey Mantle?

2. This question puts me in mind of the song If God Was One Of Us, where she sings "what would you ask if you had just one question?" and I always answered, "Why?"

3.I would have suspended my college education until such time as I knew what the hell I wanted to do. As it was, waste of a Pell grant.

4. Sure, unless there was a better way to do it if I thought about it for a minute.

5. "Get away with it" indicates to me that there is no good reason involved, so, no.

Bob G. said...


1) I was initially thinking of people Sinatra, Martin and Davis (the rat pack) then Wifey saya "what abou the Three Stooges?"
Now THAT sounds like fun (as long as there was PLENTY of pastries for dessert...LOL)

2) Depends on the "something", and the person...

3) Only ONE thing? (there seems to be so many as time passes)
Gonna have to get back to you on that one.

4) I agree with YOUR take on it...circumstances, people involved, fight or flight.

5) Rather than "murder" could we rename it to JUSTFIABLE HOMICIDE?

Good list...lots to ponder.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

1)Jesus, JFK, & Elizabeth Taylor
2)I can't say..thats between me & that person.
3)Although I would like to change a lot of things, right now I would say to never have married the creep I married the 2nd time around.
4)If I could save my grandson from all the hurt he is facing I would do it,even if I had to die to do it.