Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pet Peeve

It always makes me mad when people driving company vehicles with the company name and phone number plastered all over drive like complete jerks. I'm always tempted to call the number and turn them in, but then I think: What if the number on the vehicle is the cell phone number of the driver? And what if he then tries to run me off the road?


Bob G. said...

I consider myself a GOOD driver, and when I used to drive a COMPANY vehicle, I was even MORE cautious and MORE aware that (as one of my bosses used to put it) "I was driving a rolling BILLBOARD", and I always thought along those lines.

As a result, NEVER got one complaint from anyone.
(and BTW, those business numbers DO work...Just not where I'm concerned...LOL!)

Good post.

Ring 'em up and complain if their driving sucks.

Stay safe (and idiot-free) down there.

Joanne said...

LOL. As soon as I see a kooky driver I try hard to get far away from them.
Blessings, Joanne