Thursday, June 14, 2012

blog land

I suppose in a way living here in the blog community is sort of like living in an apartment building/complex. People move in and people move out. Sometimes they tell you and other times they don't. Sometimes you continue the friendship that started after they/or you move other times it ends. There are times that you continue the friendship and over time it slowly peters out. So goes life.
I am glad to be here and I welcome my new neighbors and all my old ones that stop in. I am sorry if I don't talk to you as much as I used to but that is me. I go through times when I don't talk to myself, much less my friends.


Alice said...

Blog land is a strange land.

But I like it.

Bob G. said...

I couldn't think of having a much nicer "neighbor" than you.
(and that is th God's honest TRUTH)

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

What Bob said. Wish I didn't talk to myself so much.