Thursday, June 21, 2012


I try to be a good listener. I am a listener. A really good listener. I like to think that I don't  give advice, actually I think I usually don't. Sometimes people just need someone to listen and I am that person for others. A good friend recently told me that I am her "person." The person that she can always rely on and can say anything and everything too. That meant a lot. We had had some problems in the past but now our friendship is solid. I love that I can be there for someone who needs it. On the other hand, I am a terrible talker. I don't really have a "person." I don't have someone to run to and tell all my crap to. (Ask me how I am and you will hear; "I'm good.") And even if I did have some one to listen to me, I am not sure that I would share. I feel like if I tell someone something then I am giving them the load. Like now they are going to worry about me or whatever and I certainly do not want to do that to anyone. I don't want people to worry about me, so I remain quiet.


Anonymous said...

Some people listen not to learn or understand, but to answer.

CWMartin said...

A good worrier does it without being asked, my friend.

Bob G. said...

My parents always made sure I knew the difference between HEARING and LISTENING.
As for talking?
Well, Wifey will tell you there are time I can't shut the heck up...LOL.
Other times, I just take everything in, and the only sound is those gerars turning between my ears.
I think many people can give advice without knowing...and sometimes, even to THEMSELVES.
(see? I guess Wifey's right about talking...ROFL)

Very good post and comments.

Stay safe (and cool) down there.