Friday, June 29, 2012

5 on Friday

1. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Why?
Too cold for some reason I can deal with cold better than hot, also it is easier for me to breath colder air. Being hot affects me much more on a psychological level. When I'm too hot, I get cranky and b****y if not outright enraged, and it's all I can think about.

2. What's your favorite way to stay cool?
Air Conditioning baby!

3. What's your favorite way to stay warm?
I cover up in a warm afghan, in Sparky ( my heated massage chair)  and watch tv. ( yes I named my chair, don’t judge )

4. When you see or hear the word "summer", what comes to mind?
Warm days cool night and skeeters

5. Any major summer plans this year?
Nope no plans at all.


CWMartin said...

Lord how I despise being shivvering cold! And it happens to easily as the years go on...

Anonymous said...

cold, because you can only take so much off till they take you away.

Bob G. said...


1) I'm w/ ANON here - Too cold...I can only take OFF so many clothes before it gets..."interesting".
I pride myself on being able to perspire in the middle of WINTER (with all the layers I wear outside)...LOL.

2) Aside from cryogenic suspension (WAY too expensive), MAX that A/C the hell OUT, Bob!

3) A single malt scotch, a nice cozy fireplace and the for me.

4) Other than bursting into many more BOOMCARS to disturb my calm!

5) Not one single plan AT ALL.
(but I might be going downtown to get my CCW permit...heh, heh, heh)

Great list and good comments.

Stay safe (and stay cool) down there.