Wednesday, June 20, 2012


One of the major downfalls to becoming hooked on blogging is that I have recently spent A LOT of time reading other people's blogs. People I know, people I know only through the internet, and people I don't know from Adam (except, I know Adam--hi Adam). It seems like I've come across a huge pool of bloggers who have nothing but interesting things to write about, and they all write the most fascinating, funny, witty, poignant observations about random randomness. I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated by this. I think of something that I want to write about and then I think, no, that's not important. I've been doubting myself, and hence, avoiding my blog. But, tonight I finally realized that it's MY blog. Who cares if what I write isn't important/fascinating/funny/witty/poignant? So, that's that. I'm going to learn to stop worrying and love the blog.


CWMartin said...

Damn straight. Where do you think we get our inspiration from?

Alice said...

I second CWMartin:)

Bob G. said...

Gotta run with CWM on this one, as well...

What you might "think" is something mundane is often quite somebody.
(or a LOT of somebodys)

Your blog - your rules - your life.

Now, go get 'em, Tigress!

Sty safe (and keep cool) down there.

colletta said...

Love love your blog, love your comments CW and Bob G.....