Friday, September 7, 2012

5 on Friday

1. If there was one thing about your body you could change, what would it be?
I'd add wings. ;) No, seriously, tho...I'd probably change my HAIR; I have the worst hair in the entire Western Universe. I'd make it  uber low-maintenance. 

2. Would you rather lose 10lbs or 10 points off your IQ?
Pardon the expression, but this one's a complete no-brainer. ;)
I'd rather lose the 10 pounds; ain't NOBODY making me dumber! 

3. When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see?
Ehhh...partially, I suppose. The answer isn't "no," but it's not really "yes," either. 

4. Have you ever dyed your hair?

5. How often do you weigh yourself?
Given that I don't even OWN a scale...not particularly often.


Anonymous said...

1)Probably my hair. I would want thicker hair & natural curly.
2)10 llbs, of course.
3)I have to be.
4)Only my beautician knows for sure
5)Not very often.

Bob G. said...

1) Hey, I like that wings gig too...LOL.
Wouldn't mind being a couple inches TALLER (but then again, I'd not be able to get into things I used to in past lives)...Then, there's having to get ALL new clothes!

2) I;m with YOU here - Lose the pounds...I can ALWAYS gain it back.
Not gonna sacrifice ONE single IQ point.
Between and Wifey, it keeps my ghettohood's overall AVERAGE higher than a moron's anyway...LOL.

3) Not as happy as I USED to be...getting older is HIGHLY overrated!

4) Not really "dyed" it, but I dated a hairdresser once, and she gave me a HENNA...that wasn't painful.
(practice makes perfect, right?)

5) Not that often..I'm pretty much staying at the same weight, and at 60 years "young", that's a good accomplishment for me.

Very good list.

Stay safe down there this weekend.

Joanne said...

I would get rid of my belly...I don't mind being overwieght but this muffin top has got to go! I hardly ever weigh myself...hense the belief that I am still a size 5. yes, I am delusional. Have a great weekend.
Blessings, Joanne