Friday, September 14, 2012

5 on Friday

1. Describe a recurring dream you have and what you think it means.
I have several, but I can't remember any. Is that weird? I know when I'm dreaming that I've had the dream before, or I'm continuing a previous dream, and when I wake up I remember it, but trying to think of one now... Coming up blank.

2. What do you like to daydream about?
I don't daydream as much as I used to. Nothing special anymore, either. At the moment I daydream about enjoying life and appreciating what I have.

3. What's your scariest dream you can remember?
I don't remember. That sucks as an answer, but it's true. I do remember waking up once after hearing someone yell something really close to my ear. There was no one there & the bedroom door was closed but I swear someone or something did shout at me to wake me up.

4. What would be a "dream come true" for you?
A lottery win. Wouldn't have to be loads (although that would be nice) but enough to be comfortable.

5. Best dream you've ever had:
Another question where nothing springs to mind. I've not been very interesting today. I should write down all my dreams, but trying to think of an answer without consulting a dream journal... Well I just can't think of anything.  All my answers this week are very lame.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

1) I used to have one regarding falling down a long shaft...but once in a while I have one about being on the damn TITANIC...(and not swimming all that well doesn't help one bit).
Be nice to have a recurring dream of being RICH beyond avarice...LOL.

2) about clearing out my neighborhood of the scum and making it NICE like it USED to be?

3) Can't recall the dream, but waking up in a sweaty panic ...well, it musta been a doozey!

4) Gotta go with lottery win...a honking HUGE one, too!
(if you're gonna dream, dream BIG, Dad used to say)

5) Had a dream about a former love a long time back...and it was all too fleeting (aren't they all?)

Excellent list and post.
(and I don't think your answers lame at all...truth is truth)

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.