Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Big Brother

I am a super fan of this reality show. It is a game of strategy and manipulation  they are not there to make friends.  We are now down to the final 3 and tonight is the finale.

First is Danielle,  I don’t think she deserves to win because she was so easily manipulated by Dan.  She did things that were not in her best interest in the game.  Last week she had all the power and was headed into the final 3 with Shane and Dan who would both take her to the final 2. Dan talked her into giving him the power to evict and Shane was out in a  big move. He was Blindsided. Why did she do this? Because she did not want the blood of Ian’s eviction on her or Shane's hands.  She has played this game as a victim, she was an innocent bystander when her other final  2 partners were sent out the door.  She also threw the Pt 1 HOH to Dan..  so the only way she will get there now is if Dan keeps his word to her.. not likely.

Then there is Ian.  Our young player with ADHD.  Ian has played a very good game so far. I would say he is very likeable or even adorkable.  He is loyal and very nice.  He also thinks he created the Quack pack.  He has played a good game but has not masterminded any big moves.  He threw the Pt 1 HOH to Dan.  He thinks he has a final 2 deal with Dan.  He will face Dan in Pt 2 of the HOH tonight.  Frank and Mike Boogie felt that they were superior to Ian and he has out played and out lasted them both.  I think he deserves to be in the Final 2 but I have my doubt that he will make it there. 

And then there is Dan .. yep the best player ever  IMHO.  I think he deserves to win this hands down. He made the biggest move in BB history with Dan’s funeral. After he ended up in solitary confinement he spent his 24 hours trying to figure a way out of his soon to be eviction.  This is where I think Dan wins hands down, he totally changed his game from team player to assassin.  How many people can totally change the way they are playing the game mid stream?  Not many!  Dan held his own funeral, spilled all the Quack Pack information to Frank, made a final two deal with him and Britney went to the jury in Dan's place.  From that moment on Dan played with a take no prisoners attitude.  He made alliances everywhere (which is something the other QP members had already done) and he manipulated people to keep him off the block or remove him should he get there.  Even in the final competition Dan managed to get both people playing the 1st part HOH to throw it to him.  He also got them to fake fight with each other so that they would never compare notes.  Dan went from week one the person everyone wanted out to the one guy who is for sure going to the final two.  Dan had long talks with people and they would always spill their guts to him.  If he wanted someone put up he would ask the other person who they wanted up, run through every scenario, but the one he wanted, debate their merits and then almost as an after thought bring up the one scenario he wanted to make happen.  Without fail the house guests fell for this "misting" and did what Dan wanted done.  Dan should win Big Brother 14 not just because he was the best manipulator, but because he adjusted his game over and over in order to survive each week.  He never stopped playing the game and he loved every second of it.  Dan's moves were calculated and he never took it to a personal level.  Everything was strictly about winning the game one way or another.

Again this is not a game about making friends it is a game of strategy and manipulation.

Dan wins hands down…


Anonymous said...

Could not agree more!! Love Dan & you are soooo right. He should definitely win. He has played the best game. Don't know if he will win, because he has also made enemies along the way. You are right, they aren't there to make friends, they are there to play a game. They all need to remember that.

Bob G. said...

SO, if I understand this show correctly, it's a demonstration on how people REALLY behave these days?
(sounds like life to me)

And when it comes to manipulative people, I simply don't have time for THEM.

Stay safe down there.