Friday, September 28, 2012

5 on Friday

1. What is the biggest purchase you've ever made? I suppose that would be my home.
2. Would you describe yourself as a spender or a saver? Heck, I'd like to have enough money to have a choice.
3. Do you consider yourself someone who makes environmentally-conscious decisions? Well, to an extent. I mean, I make a point of not throwing trash out the car window (unless it's biodegradable), but I don't choose what I purchase based on the environmental practices of the company who produces whatever it is I'm buying.
4. What do you envy?  Financial comfort.
5. Kermit: Just Another Frog or Greatest Thing Ever? Somewhere in between.


CWMartin said...

Boy, the theme to that group sure broke down! Car, ditto on yours, not especially, ditto on yours, and "depends on how you cook him".

Bob G. said...


1) - Personally, my car.
(jointly, the house)

2) A little of both, but with purpose (save in order to spend)

3) I don't litter (was brought up that way - wish OTHERS were) and we recycle (so my carpet used to be old soda bottles...s'ok with me), but I'm not hugging any trees anytime soon.
Would like to find out if some of the "neighbors" would make decent COMPOST,

4) ANYone living in a normal neighborhood these days...and with enough land to have a shooting range out back!

5) The ORIGINAL between, the "new" one- a shadow of his former self.

Great list.

Have a good weekend and stay safe down there.

Anonymous said...

2)I'm a spender, hubby a saver,we balance each other out. ha
4)Skinny people
5)I don't know..I like him, but I guess he is somewhere inbetween.