Thursday, September 27, 2012

Things I have learned.

1. It is more embarrassing to fall up the stairs than to fall down the stairs.
2. There’s something exhilarating finding a treasure among a pile of junk.
3. There’s no better feeling than the feeling of being loved!
4. When I sneeze once, normally it means that I’m going to sneeze two more times.
5. Time may fly by when you’re having fun but it drags when all hell breaks loose.
6. Why oh why are Christmas lights and decorations up already?
7. I'm so thankful for the fall...the leaves in all of their colorful glory and the biggest reason...caramel apples!
8. Every now and then, I have an extreme urge to either rob a bank or to do a money dance. (You know the kind where for no explained reason, it begins to rain money?)
9. Day old coffee tastes like the inside of a tanker truck.
10. A smile can change a whole lot of things!

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

2- Oh, yeah!
3- Ditto!
4- Or
5- I agree.
6- In our area they're STILL up from LAST year...ROFL!
7- Gimme CIDER!!
8- I know some Miami Indian descendents...would that help?
9- I wouldn't know...I've never tasted the inside of
10- and makes the grumpies go bye-bye.

Excllent list.
Stay safe (and joyful) down there