Friday, July 31, 2009

I am an Addict

So this afternoon I am sitting there in old Sparky, (Again Don’t Judge) and I got to thinking just how addicted to electronics I really am. And I am thinking most of you are too.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most dependant lets just see how bad I am.

  1. Computer - Well now I am pretty darned attached and would even say addicted to my computer. I use it to get the news, keep up with what is going on in my family, and of course reading the local blogs. So that is a big old 10.
  2. Cell Phone - This is easy even tho I am not on it that much, I do a lot of texting to keep in contact with my family, it's always there in case of an emergency. I think back to before cell phones. There were quite a few times in my past that had I had a cell phone, I would have avoided some pretty dangerous situations. So that is a big 10 too.
  3. Television - OMG if the dish goes out what do I do? Whine so imagine what I would do with out a TV. Another big 10.
  4. Microwave- This is a little tougher, I basically use it to reheat or cook a bowl of oatmeal. Let’s give this an 8. I am not doing well.
  5. Washing Machine - This is a straight up 10. No if ands or butts, I can’t live without it.
  6. Hair Dryer - I am not exactly sure this qualifies as an electronic devise but hey I love my hair dryer. I am going to be strong and give it a 5.
  7. Dryer - I could live without the dryer. I don't necessarily put all my clothes in the dryer now. I give it a 5 also.
  8. Sparky – My beloved Niagara Massage Chair. There are days I wonder how I ever lived with out Sparky. I give Sparky a 25.

So I guess it is time for me to start looking for an Electronic Addiction Support Group. Any one out there want to join me?

If I can't find one.....then I will start one.....there will be a small sign up fee....and monetary penalties for non attendance too.


Anonymous said...

you forgot MY favorite!!! DISHWASHER!!

Bob G. said...

Uh oh....looks like you're "hooked"...!

I don't even own a cellphone (yet).
Washing machines and ryers are pretty much "essential", as is cable or dish (whatever happend to FREE AIR WAVES?)

M/W...good in a pinch (for popcorn and coffee reheating)
And I "tolerate" computers...they need ME more than I need them...sorta.
I do like the DVD tapes to get "eaten".

I still have 2 VHS recorders AND a BETA VCR...add that to the 26 year old car of mine and you've got a relic who OWNS relics...LOL.

(gonne be one helluva time capsule I bury, that's for sure)

Have a good weekend.

ms nk rey said...

A dishwasher is a must for most folks, sadly I don't have one. And I had forgotten how much yours means to you.. Billie!