Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was surfing and found a post the other day called Two Types of People (I'm original, huh?) Here is their top ten:

10. one that calls any type of cola SODA, and the other that calls it POP.
9. Those who hang the roll of toilet paper over, and those who hang under.
8. those who pour the cereal in first and those that pour the milk in…!
7. Those who do not understand dichotomies and those who don’t.
6. People who read the instructions and those who do not.
5. Those who like Journey, and those who lie.
4. There are two “types” of people, the “touch-typists” and the “hunt and peckers”
3. Those who think there are two types of people, and those who don’t.
2. those that understand Lost and those that appreciate all this free time on their hands
1. There are 10 types of people: Those who understand binary and those who don’t

Here are my answers:

10. Soda

9. Over

8. Cereal how else do you know how much milk you need.

7. I do

6. Never ever do I read them.. drives my friends crazy.

5. Love Journey

4. Touch type learned in school before it was called keyboarding.

3. I know there are.

2. I have never watched it.

1. HaHa! gotta love those math jokes.

What are your answers?


Bob G. said...

Aside from me being a "hunt and peck" kinda typist...I do beleive I've found another lost sibling...LOL!

Where have all you guys beeing HIDING, anyway?
We have so much to catch up on...!


Very good post/quiz

Bob G. said...

BEEN hiding, that is!

(sometimes we peck faster than we hunt...LMAO)

CWMartin said...

10. pop
9. depends. if its middle of the night, its 50/50
8. cereal
7. do
6. if i have my glasses at arms reach (unlike right now)
5. older stuff i like, open arms and faithfully no
4. touch type- if i touch it, it types (usually). Oh, wait, you mean... um, hunt and peck
3. only as far as saved and unsaved.
2.never watched it. i follow one series at a time, and heroes is the one at the start of the year. Now its deadliest catch.
1. 11111110001000100011110000*
*don't bother translating, totally random