Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pet Peeves

  1. People having obviously PRIVATE conversations on their cell phone in public places.
  2. When somebody tosses something toward a garbage can, like they think they're a basketball star, then leave it on the ground after they miss!
  3. People who walk their dogs and let them poop indiscriminately (like on someone's lawn), and does not pick it up.
  4. How opening any cheap electronic item these days requires cutting up your finger with cheap impossible to open plastic molding covering.
  5. People that pop and smack their chewing gum.
  6. People who don't know the difference between its/it’s and they’re /their/there.
  7. When someone with a full cart of groceries gets into the 10 items or less line.
  8. People who think that they are the only one with correct background for understanding an issue.
  9. Suburban kids who think they are gangstas.
  10. People who no matter what relate to something you have done and try to "one up" you.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Oh, I can't wait to tear into THIS list...Bwahahahahahaaaaa...

1) It ain't "private", if I can hear it TEN PACES (or more) away, is it?

2) Welcome to MY neighborhood where every kid "thinks" they got game.

3) That's where *I* come in (or rather OUT)

4) Did that this morning with a can opener package. You need an industrial pair of tin snips to do it RIGHT, trust me.

5) Oh, so you HAVE met the "local" WOMEN in my ghettohood?

6) That's my neighbors...just "AXE" them about it.

7) Must be "welfare weekend of Krogers"!

8) Yeah, I could "never" learn what it is to "be black", inspite of KNOWING SO MANY of them over the years...AND watching them devolve in my area. Silly me.

9) "Wiggaz with attitude" we call 'em. Damn shame they don't know how STUPID they look and act...and sound.

10) Reminds me of the Shaughnessy guy on "Red-Green"...they've been there, done everything...lucky them.

ROFLMAO...that was fun, as always.

Have a great weekend, and watch out for those people on the list...!