Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why Write??

Last night, a friend asked me why I blog on this site, and why I bother spending so much time putting ideas together and writing about them…especially when so few people read them, and even less appreciate them. They went on to say, while it was a nice hobby, it was probably a lot of time gone to waste.
That didn’t bother me so much as it made me ponder why, I myself do this. So this blogposts is a short answer to her question. Why write?

The answer:
There are times when you can’t do the things you want to, say the things you need to, or express the anger you feel. Times when words are easier written than said and actions are easier imagined than done. There are times when there’s no one who understands or cares and just times when you don’t want to talk to anyone but yourself. For all those times, I’ve written a blog. For the times that I’ve had smoke coming out of my ears, hands trembling from fear and anxiousness to the point of nausea. For the times when I’ve been too unsure about how I felt to act, and times I’ve been completely sure of what I’ve wanted, but unsure of how to get it- that’s when I wrote.
I wrote these blogposts, smiles rolling off my lips and smoke blowing out both ears. It was my indirect way to release anger and fears. Some release anger by turning to a bottle of vodka, or making the next available appointment to see their shrink. And it doesn’t matter much if it’s useful or not, appreciated or not, enjoyable or not. It’s something I do, because therapy is personal. And more importantly, it makes me feel good.


Bob G. said...

VERY well said...!
And you're right...never knew a person that developed liver disease from blogging.

It's the place for the common man or woman to rant, reflect, and otherwise make known THEIR feelings (good OR bad) about things that matter to THEM.

And you'd be surprised (probably not by NOW, though) how many OTHERS feel the EXACT same way...and do likewise.

I think of this like the old "party lines", or the cracker barrel at the general store...

It's a place to meet, discuss, debate, and sometimes lend an ear or a shoulder for those that need it.

It's a refuge for encouragement.

In many cases, it's meeting the people you WISH were living on your block once again.

And it IS therapeutic.

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Life is too short to NOT do something you enjoy! I believe that there are time when people need to keep their thoughts to themselves. Why would anyone want to judge how another spends their time. IT'S THEIR TIME! Some people, read, quilt, garden, exercise (why I don't know), or blog...there are other things but I am not going to list them. Blog ON!! I read it and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Never heard is said any better.

Anonymous said...

Very good answer to a question from a person who obviously doesn't understand. I do understand. I found out a long time ago that writing sooths the monster inside of me and I lost that for a while when I crawled inside a bottle. The watercolor that Aaron did is awesome. Looks like a snapshot.
Keep writing the great things you do. You like doing it and that's all that matters.
Aaron has a great talent.


ms nk rey said...

Awww gee thanks folks. I appreciate the support. Bobby G, Billie and darlin.. you are very kind to me.
Randy.. yep Aaron is something special.. thanks!

CWMartin said...

i agree also... this post is very similar to my first post.