Saturday, December 11, 2010

5 Christmas Questions

1. Where is the furthest you have traveled for Christmas and will you be traveling this year? I am a homebody for the holidays. I guess the furthest I have traveled was to Myrtle Beach a couple times and long ago to visit family in Florida.

2. Do you celebrate any other holiday this month? Kwanza? Chanukah? Festivus? Does New Year's Eve count!?

3. Who is the hardest person to shop for on your Christmas list and why do you think they are so hard to buy for? I do green Christmas’s.. Money is one size fits all

4. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Stop believing? Never. I will always believe in the magic!

5. Fill in the blank; For me Christmas just wouldn't be the same without _______? Family


Anonymous said...

1. Florida
2.NY Eve??
3. My husband
4. I still believe
5. My family


Bob G. said...


1 - It was always Mom and Dad and I for the holidays...
Homebodies one and all.

2 - No other holidays to celebrate, and down here, NYE means shooting off all those illegal guns (for HOURS) that the locals have acquired (and the police can't seem to get a handle on).

3 - I can be hard to shop for,because I really don't ask for much, if anything.
These days, the cats are JUST as hard...LOL

4 - "Officially"...I was almost ELEVEN, but UNofficially, I still LIKE to my heart-of-hearts. We need to hold onto something like that.

5 - Lots of things really, such as Christmas dinner, the music, the movies, wifey...I can;t claim any ONE thing.
but it would be GREAT to have anothetr Christmas like when I as toung (with Mom & Dad).

(just one)

Very interesting me thinking about nicer times.

have a great Saturday.

CWMartin said...

1. To my nephews, somewhere between angola and fremont.
2.New years eve for me consists of watching the video for Counting Crows "A Long December" a few minutes past midnight. And some tears for the memory it brings.
3. this is our down season at work. lack of $ makes everyone hard to shop for.
4.We never had an opening in the house for the chimney, so as a physical being very early. As a "conceptual being" as they say in the comic books, probably still do.
5. Certain songs, lights. Havent had a christmas that fits the common definition (big family deal, lots of little kids, lots of surprise presents) since mom died in 1976.

You mentioned being nostalgic to me recently. For me, the nostalgia switch is music: I watched Rudolph this year. Silver And Gold, There's Always Tomorrow... that does it for me.

indy said...

1. orlando florida when i was about 15 years old.
2. no.
3. noone is hard to shop for when you really listen to them all year. but, then i love to shop. i have been known to go to a gem show at the fair grounds in the summer to get a huge rock for someone for christmas. was fun knowing i got it for them. :)
4. officially about 13. i took it hard so i still beleive.

5. christmas wont be the same without my daughter in the other room snoring, the lights on the tree looking pretty, and me curled up sleeping/computer game/ tv waiting for a right time to be santa. :) i hate working christmas eve period.