Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Words I Hate

1. Panties….this word is so… like my grandma talking dirty.

2. Networking… pretty much any noun turned into a verb bothers me.

3. ASAP.. this is not a word people it is an acronym Ayysapp coming out of anyones mouth deserves a slap.

4. Supposobly… this is a made up word. it is supposedly people.

5. Guesstimate… ok it is either a guess or an estimate..

6. Stinkin.. .. why do people say something is so stinkin cute? there is nothing cute about stinkin.

7. Like….I like totally hate the like word 'like', when it's like used in that like way. Like you know what I'm saying? Like, for real.

8. Brain Fart….I HATE when people say 'brain fart'
Ugh gross!!!

9. The “F” word…When people drop "The F Word" in between each word of their question/statement/response/story. They use it as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, dangling participle, past, present and future tense. Doesn't matter - for some people, it's the All-Purpose word and it drives me nuts.

10. Special… It is used so much that it’s not.. well special.

11. The term, “Bestie.” This term along with BFF is perfectly acceptable. If you are twelve. This is not a term that should be used by grown women. And in my limited experience of hearing women over thirty use this term it is to refer to someone as said, “Bestie” to show that you aren’t the coveted “Bestie”. We are friends, but look at me and my BESTIE!!! Gahhhgah.


Anonymous said...

Like, I like know like, what you, like, mean!
Like, why do they, like do it like anyway.

Bob G. said...

Uh, oh...I'm in trouble NOW...LOL.

1- "Panties in a bunch" (as in don't get yer) works rather well.

2- You oughta hear when people turn VERBS into NOUNS (around my ghettohood)


4- Yeah, THAT version is a real "WTF?" did they say thing for me.

5- I agree...mixing them is a "department of redundancy department" thing.

6- But, cute infants STINK (when they need changing), right, Grammy?

7- Only thing worse is "yanowhuimsayin?"

8- People up here DO get 'em...even *I* am guilty of one very decade or so.

9- Yes, I can see YOU have been to the SOUTH side of Ft. Wayne!

10- My Buick (Special) was "special" said so on the rear fender - very little else IS.

11- BESTIE????
Another "WTF?" word for me.

I prefer BFGs to BFFs any day.

Thanks for the me thinking now.

Have a great humpday!

CWMartin said...

I plead no contest to #4 and many other liguistic perversions of English. It probably comes from dealing with the many malaproprial things my dad said.

Anonymous said...

You are certainly getting awfully picky in you "old" age woman! And I feel as your "friend", I can say that, as I'm laughing.

indy said...

panties. i love that word.
asap. i've been saying it since 1986
like i'm a valley girl. lol its all good with me.......;)
f word. well sometimes it feels good to say it. like a free stress reduction thing.
and bestie. i have said it. and had young people look at me like i just said the f word. so f

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget "you guys"'s gross..and I hear the word guy for objects..can you get that guy (it's a tv remote control) for me? HUH???