Saturday, December 18, 2010

Have you ever:

I'm a curious person by nature. Being the woman that I am, I'm curious...
Have you ever...

1. Made something to eat and then after it was done, didn't want it anymore?

2. Wear shoes that make fart sounds with every step you make but you pretend like you can't hear it?

3. Been so tired that even peeing was a chore?

4. Smashed a bug and then felt bad afterwards for smashing it?

5. Eaten gummy worms with a glass of wine?

6. Walked into a room and totally forgot why you went there?

7. Ran into someone and couldn't remember their names yet, they embraced you and were totally excited to talk to you. And...

8. Did you play it off like you knew the person just because you felt too foolish to ask who they were?

9. Said "excuse me" when you sneezed and no one else was in the room?

10. Read the end of a book because it wasn't holding your attention, yet, you wanted to know how the story ended?

11. Complimented someone and didn't really mean it?


Bob G. said...

Okay, let's see...

1- HOnestly, I don't ever recall, unless scorching something beyond ALL physical recognition counts...

2- Nah, I just get the "squeakers" (love those clean linoleum floors in the stores...)

3- No, but I almost dozed off taking a crap a few times (TMI).

4- Nope, because I know WHICH bugs are "evil".

5- Not into worms of ANY kind (don't do USAF survival training these days) except for FISHING!

6- At least several times a week, but never into the SAME ROOM...weird, huh?

7- I remember names & faces pretty well, but rooms are another matter.

8- If I did...I would.

9- Nah, I just tell myself to knock it off.
(I have an interesting relationship with "me".)

10- I only did that ONCE...with the DICTONARY.
(talk about a real nail-biter)

11- Nope, but sarcasm is ALWAYS free and abundant with me...
(except where friends, family, and fellow bloggers are concerned)

Thank you for the insight into I'm scared even more...LOL.

have yourself a great Saturday.
Stay warm down there.

CWMartin said...

1, 2,6,7,8 yes.
3, yes, and Bob G's answer as well.
4,5, no.
9, maybe a burp...
10, no, but seriously considered it a few times. Notably on The Tommyknockers.
11, only where the event being complimented was obviously not deserving and the complimented knew it and sought the compliment anyway.

What about you?

Laurie gives us yes on 1,6,7; no on 2,3,4,5,8,9,10; and probably on 11.

Anonymous said...

1 yes
2 yes
3 yes
4 no, bugs suck
5 not that I remember
6 yes, who hasn't
7 yes
8 no, ask them
9 no
10 no
11 yes

indy said...

ok here's my take:
1. yes
2. yes, i have them still. when i vacation sometimes my feet swell up like a boat and i have black gator shoes that really make the going better.
3. this happened this week and last week. was way too tired.
5.maybe not a gummy worm. but some type of candy cane or something of that nature. sounds yummy though.

6. of course. who hasnt
7. yes
8. no, i admitted i forgotten.
9. no
10. many many times
11. yea, but it was to see that they just liked being complimented. some people suck them up like a druggie on drugs.