Thursday, December 30, 2010

I admit defeat

Here I sit wondering how did this aging thing happen. When did it happen. I remember turning 50 and feeling good. But it has been downhill ever since. Somewhere it happened. I guess the first I noticed it was in 2001 when I was diagnosed with COPD. Even on oxygen and other meds I have no where near the energy level I used to have. A great deal of my energy is used up just breathing. The bad part is I don’t feel bad. I still feel like I could do anything when my reality is I just can’t. And it sucks!

10 years ago I was a single hard working woman with a house and an old car. Life some times caved in on me, with home and or car repairs. Stress was a way of life for me. I owned my own business and that in itself was major stress. Fast forward to today and I am on disability and in forced retirement. Life is less stressful, except for the money part, and I am responding to it by trying to be the best me possible. However I find there is still stress.

I am getting older daily, and how I look and feel today is the best it will be and it is all downhill from here. I admit to being a little vain and the wrinkles, veiny skin and dark circles under my eyes, droopy boobs and gravity causing everything to sag. I am trying to hold off this aging thing but it is a losing battle and I have lost.

So I admit defeat and I will learn to love this aging droopy flabby wrinkly shell I am in. And if not love it then learn to accept it graciously and with good humor.


Anonymous said...

Hey its certainly something we all must face. I don't like it either & I know many other people my age don't like it, but you are right. We must face it whether we want to or not. I guess we just must face it with as much grace as we can muster up.

Bob G. said...

ANd I was just going to ask you "How's things SHAKING down there"?
Nice earthquake.
(felt it up here as well)

As to the aging gig?

I really find it MOST annoying.
Thinning hair, tinnitus, arthritis, can't wake up ALL the body parts at the SAME time...
yeah, it really bugs me, too.

BUT, as long as I breathe, I can make some change matter how "small".

I went skiing (once), and I can tell you that straight downhill isn't the BEST way for a novice to reach the bottom of the hill.,,just the FASTEST and most dangerous!

Sometimes, we need to "tack" our way down.
We go ACROSS the width of the hill, slowing our "descent", and controlling our rapidity as we make it down the mountain.

Kinda like zig-zagging our way.

Sure, it takes longer, but it's a whole lot safer, especially when those skis (of life) can get us out of control before we know it.

I'm "tacking" my way down this aging (mountain) thing.

And I'm going to make it last AS LONG as I can for as long as God allows me.

In some ways, we ARE getting better, just not in the ways we "want" to, but rather, often in the ways we NEED to.

Keep the faith.
And stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

I like that... tacking our way down. It's certainly better than my theory of reaching the top of a circle and accelerating down. Ma'am, you're only as old as you make us feel. I feel younger around you.

ms nk rey said...

As I age I keep looking back at accomplishments, people, skills, and places that gave me identity and purpose in life. I miss working and the people, more than you can imagine. I remember celebrations, trips to Myrtle Beach, trips to the mountains. Many things have changed in my life. All our lives are finite. As we get to the end of this journey called life everything we do, everything we think about could be for our very last time. All that is ahead of us is the end. I intend to hold on as long and I can and make my journey full of laughter and fun. Aging I thumb my nose at you.

Anonymous said...

seen on a birthday card- " grey hair isn't so bad, ask any Bald guy." rj

indy said...

well i miss running. i have a knee problem and running is something that will not happen again. i can do a fast walk. a funny jog/walk but i will never run with the wind again. i loved running and jumping so high i felt that i was flying.