Saturday, December 4, 2010

Things that bother me today:

  1. Conspiracy theories.
  2. Celebrities claiming to be environmentalists.
  3. How opening any cheap electronic item these days requires cutting up your finger with cheap impossible to open plastic molding covering.
  4. The creepers at red lights. You know, those people that start inching forward in their cars slowly until the light turns green.
  5. People letting their dogs use my yard as their toilet.
  6. Keeping your Christmas lights up until February.
  7. When the cashier gives you the change with the coins on top of the bills and for a moment you look like a fool jamming a large wad of cash into your purse.
  8. Walking into a spider web
  9. People who talk about their favorite sports team and say "WE" like they are a part of the team.
  10. People who are late.


Bob G. said...

LOL...another great list.

1- I do like that Jesse Ventura show. The possibilities are there.

2- I call them Environebrities.
(say THAT 3 times fast)

3- After being scratched, cut, lanced, punctured, and sliced...I use industril-strength SCISSORS!

4- Yeah, creeping up on MY BUMPER!

5- I see you've been to OUR ghettohood.

6- Yeah, you DEFINITELY been to our ghettohood!

7- What bothers me more are the cashiers that HAVE to give you them separately...from BOTH HANDS...AT ONCE!
(do I look like a damn OCTOPUS?)

8- Makes me wonder WHERE (on me) that bugger is...!

9- It must be a HOOSIER thing - the only "we" are my gun & I, my car and I, or the missus and I,

10- I detest being late...but for my FUNERAL, I "might" make an exception.

Have a great Saturday!
(and keep warm)

Bob G. said...

Just changed the header picture...BEAUTIFUL!

Keep that "Swiss Miss" handy!
(great comfort food in this weather)


ms nk rey said...

I did I thought it fit with the season. That is my house from across the river. Glad you noticed. Can't wait till it is time for a Spring Photo...

CWMartin said...

On # 9... a hard habit to break- and only fitting if you still do it when "we" lose.

indy said...

that pic is awesome. enjoyed looking at it.