Tuesday, December 21, 2010


1. Americans fill in 54 acres of crossword puzzle space everyday.
2. The average Japanese drinks 4.8 gallons of liquor a year, the average American drinks 1.3 gallons.
3. 34% of
U.S. men say meat makes up the largest portion of their diet, only 15% of women do. (sorry guys we don't want your meat :)
4. The end of the Cold War? Forty-eight
U.S. spy rings were uncovered during the 1980's.
5. Q: Where are the world's largest sculptures? A:
Mt. Rushmore.
6. Tired fact: During the work week, only 41% OF Americans get 7 or more nightly hours of sleep.
7. A dragonfly, the fastest insect, can move up to 35 m.p.h.
8. The double coconut palm produces the largest seeds (up to 60lbs.) in the plant kingdom.
9. Half of all Americans who visit psychiatrists are between the ages of 25 and 44.
10. There are more than 35 million ex-smokers in the

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Well, I've definitely got to go some to catch up to the japanese....better start NOW....LOL.

And I'm not among those 35 million (yet)

Excellent facts.
Thanks for waking my brain up today.

STay warm down there.