Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It’s the little things

The smell of bread or cookies baking.

That first great gulp of fresh coffee in the morning.

The sound of waves hitting the shore at Myrtle Beach.

The first warm Spring breeze.

Sitting around a camp fire telling tall tales.

A full moon.

A pet who loves you with out reservations.

The cool side of my pillow.

Hugs from my grandkids.

Seeing Morgan smile that slobbery toothless grin of hers.


indy said...

i dont have grandkids, but i'll agree it will be one of lifes greatest rewards. i'll switch myrtle beach with anna marie island florida. that place is heaven.

Anonymous said...

First flower in the Spring!

Bob G. said...

Now you got me all nostalgic for a LOT of those small things from my life...
(at least the coffee is a daily ritual...LOL)

Stay warm & safe down there.