Saturday, February 19, 2011

Where did all the snow go?

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What a difference a couple weeks makes.

These pictures are for my boy who misses our Indiana weather and the snow. He is suffering through a very hot summer in Australia.





This is the Wabash River which is right out my back door. and I mean with in just a few feet. as you can tell the river level is up from the snow melt and if you look closely at the above photo you can see the geese. I am so lucky to have such a view. And for all those who are counting 29 more days till Spring.


CWMartin said...

I was going to say, who cares where it went as long as it's gone, but you answered me first. Now if we could just get it dry so Booogle doesn't get all muddy!

Bob G. said...

I really love those front door photos...very nice "porch-light"...remins me of something our of Bedfford Falls...!

Now, regarding the BIG MELT...that water looks to be commencing to get a tad CLOSE to the homestead...
But as long as the geese (and ducks) stop by to say "hiya"...can't be such a bad thing.

And I hope your son's OK in Aussieland...they had some really bad flooding of late.
(I think I know where all OUR Indiana snow-melt's been goin, mate)

Thanks for the fantastic pictures.

Stay safe (and DRY) down there.

Joanne said...

YAY! Yesterday it was 67 degrees here! I was positively giddy! After 3+ feet of snow just weeks ago this was a true gift. Its colder today but No snow. Thank you God! Great post I love how you count down the days til Spring ...puts a smile on my face. Blessings, Joanne

ms nk rey said...

Yep the river is a mere 10 ft from my door. was closer but I had fill put in. I have lived here for 30+ years with no flooding. There is always a first time. I am so anxious for spring. Thanks for stopping by my silly blog and commenting.