Friday, February 18, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

By now you should know this is Random Acts of Kindness week. It was begun in 1995 by an anonymous person with the purpose to encourage people to daily give and receive kindness. There are so many little things you can do to show kindness. Open the door for someone, make a new friend, smile, donate blood, so many little things you can do to make someone's day or life better. Call an elderly neighbor to make sure they are OK, see if they need anything, and just chat awhile. It would really brighten someone's day. I am a big believer in small gestures, write a letter to someone and express how special they are to you. Recycle and reuse. Be kind to the earth, conserve water, start a compost pile, don’t litter. Have you shown kindness to someone lately?

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

I was brought up to believe that "all the little things add up", and I mention that regarding criminal activity.
The GOOD part is that this idea ALSO applies to KINDNESSES as well.

All of THOSE add up JUST as quickly!

I do what I can as often as I anyone I find in need of that little bit of kindness.

Like HOT SAUCE...a little CAN go a LONG way...LOL.

Have a great weekend.

Stay safe down there.