Monday, February 28, 2011

How to drive me crazy

Defile the sacred and holy Oreo by eating it all at once, you insensitive, uncivilized cad. You must first remove one of the crunchy chocolate sides by slowly twisting the cookie in half. Then you lick the virgin white filling until it has been completely removed using your teeth only when necessary and even then very delicately so as not to scar the tender inner cookie. And then, THEN you may eat each chocolate half one at a time. Slowly. This is the only way to honor the Oreo.


Anonymous said...

You left out dunking it in milk.

Bob G. said...

THERE 'ya go...I must confess that I too, am a "dunkard".
(But I can change...if I have to...I guess)


ms nk rey said...

I am not a dunker.. that is not the correct way to savor the mighty Oreo. It ruins the crunch.

CWMartin said...

You'd really hate me. When I'm lazy enough, I skip the milk and just hold it under the cold water faucet.

ms nk rey said...

Oh CW that is wrong on so many levels. But I forgive you. I could never hate a fellow Oreo fan.

Joanne said...

You got it sister! people should be fined if they eat it any other way! Blessings, Joanne