Friday, January 6, 2012

5 on Friday

1. Do you anticipate 2012 being a better year for you?

I do not think it will necessarily be better, because the last year was very good to me, I think it will be as good as I make it.

2. What are you looking forward to in the New Year?

The thing I am looking forward to the most is a visit from my son. Over 7 years ago he moved to Queensland Australia. He plans on coming for a visit next month! I can’t wait!

3. What was the most challenging thing that you went thru last year?

I try to be a good person every day, and be mindful of what’s important in life. I joke that I only live in the moment anyway — I can hardly remember what happened yesterday, let alone last year!

4. What was the biggest thing that you learned last year?

That whatever it is I'm doing - however it is I decide to spend my time – it is the best that I can do. There is always another way or another road or another answer. But I cannot spend valuable life second guessing the decisions I've made. I must keep going and continue to learn to trust myself.

5. What brought you unexpected joy last year?

Wow, that is a hard one. I would have to say the success of my children and my grandchildren, it brings me such happiness to see them succeed. I am very proud of my family.


Alice said...

1. No, because last year was a good year...but I hope:)

2. I don't know

3. Septic problems, tooth problems, house-falling-apart problems....

4. Love conquers all

5. see #4

Bob G. said...

1- Hell, any year I live after the previous one is BETTER.
2- I'm open to anything that waxes contrary to the way things are in my part of the ghettohood.
3- Trying to NOT shoot all the damn locals that pissed me off!
(in that, I was successful)
4- No really BIG things...just a whole LOT of little ones.
5- Seeing police cars roll through my neighborhood (keeps the locals on the down-low) AND seeing the aboriginies down the street move in a hurry...LOL.

Told you, it doesn't take much to make me content these days.

Good "5'er" this week.

Have a great weekend and stay safe down there.

Joanne said...

How exciting that your Son is coming for a visit! I can't imagine my son being far away from me...he is only 10, but I know one day he might be....Sigh. I am looking forward to a new renewal in my Christian life.......and maybe some weight loss LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I was just going through some old posts and came across your comment on my blog.
I don't know how it has slipped by me; and I wanted to come over and say Hi personally.
Thank you for stopping by.
It is nice to meet you.