Friday, January 27, 2012

5 on Friday

1. I am _________ to a ridiculous extreme.

self reliant, stubborn.

2. I learn best through ________.

making my own mistakes and I prefer my mistakes remain private

3. I don’t like __________.

being judged, just because I am old doesn’t mean I am useless.

4. I pretend to be _________.

Thick skinned but I am really very sensitive, I am easily hurt and I cry way to easy but there is a good chance you will never know about it.

5. I care what people ___________.

Think of me, and I am annoyed that I do care.


Alice said...

I prefer my mistakes to remain private, too:)

Bob G. said...

1- Gotta go with a DITTO there!

2- Yeah, I agree with that, too.
(plus, I read a LOT)

3- Definitely.
(I don't like stupid people

4- Self-critical (and I can wear my heart on my sleeve...)

5- Do or do not do, because we are no better than one another, although many of them act a lot worse...on purpose.

Excellent "five"...thanks!

Have a great weekend!

Stay safe (and cozy) down there.

CWMartin said...

1. I am _________ to a ridiculous extreme.

Self-conscious, maybe.

2. I learn best through ________.

Watching, then trying.

3. I don’t like __________.


4. I pretend to be _________.


5. I care what people ___________.

Say in response to my opinions- too much.

Joanne said...

#4 just kills me. I am like that too.
Blessings, Joanne