Friday, January 13, 2012

5 on Friday…

1. What is your biggest time waster?

I would say television, I have a TV on 24/7. Yes I got in the very bad habit of watching TV in bed, and I like the fact that it covers up all the night time noises that would scare me, so I just leave it on.

2. What is your best use of time?

I am not very good at scheduling my time. I have learned though that since my COPD, I require much more time to do even the simplest things and that I have to prepare and plan ahead if I intend on going out and about.

3. What is your most challenging thing to do?

Without a doubt, climbing the stairs, those 13 steps get me every time. I go about half way and then sit and rest and catch my breath. This COPD sometimes kicks my butt and not in a good way.

4. What is your greatest accomplishment?

This is a hard question for me, I am so proud of my boys and what they have done with their lives, but that is their accomplishment and not mine. I guess I would say that just to have survived what I have been through is my greatest accomplishment.

5. What was your worst failure?

My two marriages. Since I am the common denominator I accept that the failure was mine. I also know that it was a matter of my survival to get out. Yes and I still feel I failed.


Joanne said...

You are a very big part of your boy's success. You were the one that showed them the way. And for that you should be very very proud.
Have a great day!
Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

Oh, this is going to be fun...I can already tell.

1) Watching our property and having to negate enjoying MY life because of the idiots that live around us who don't know what PRIVACY and RESEPCT mean.

2) Researching items of interest on the Internet - saves a TON of trips to the library (that I use to also enjoy a lot)

3) Try NOT to shoot the "neighbors"...thank GOD for CLASSICAL music!!!
(it calms the inner beast in me)

4) Making it THIS FAR by living a good lfe and without EVER having been arrested!
(see, it CAN be

5) Wow, that's a loaded question. Got a few that are VERY notable.
I passed up a job that I should have taken, and I definitely passed up "THE woman" a long time ago...THAT one you NEVER forget, trust me.

Excellent questions.

Have a great weekend!
Stay safe (and warm) down there.

NONSPIN is the verification apropos...LOL!

Anonymous said...

1)The computer
2)Cooking, I guess (lol)
3)Save money..enough said.
4)My children
5)Two previous marriages