Saturday, January 14, 2012


So gas prices are on the rise again. They were holding pretty steady at just over $3/gallon in these parts. $3/gallon--can you believe that? I remember when I was first driving, prices were under a $1/gallon. I'm absolutely certain that I've paid less than a dollar per gallon for gas since I've been driving. I can remember filling up circa 1960+ for $.299/gal. That wasn't that long ago--not long enough to justify a $3+ dollar increase. But I digress. So, as I was saying, gas prices are on the rise again--bitch, bitch, moan, moan, grumble, grumble. Who the hell wants to pay over $3.60/gallon for gas?!? Then comes the announcement: gas prices expected to reach $5/gallon in the next few months, and, OMGosh, we're so lucky to only be paying $3.60 now! See, it's all about the spin.


Alice said...

I don't do much driving, but ouch. It's crazy.

colletta said...

Getting ready for the summer months ahead!

Joanne said...

This is so upsetting! They raise the prices then when they go back down again we feel like we are getting a bargain when prices are at 3 and 4 dollars. Insane!
Blessings, Joanne

Bob G. said...

I mentioned the other week on my blog about how AMERICA'S LARGEST EXPORT was none other than FUELS!

I will NEVER consider myself "fortunate" to ONLY pay $3.60 a gallon, when we ALL could be paying a helluva lot LESS...IF we only upgraded OUR current refineries (instead of CLOSING them like near Philly) or went about building MORE refineries to keep OUR fuels HERE.

Now, it's MY turn to

Excellent post.
Miss those days of $.78 cent gas from the 70s, that's for sure.

Stay safe (and warm) down there.