Monday, January 23, 2012

Cabin Fever

Well, like the song says, the weather outside is frightful. This winter has been so nice up to this point and now it is somewhat unpredictable. January is a strange weather month. We can have warm, then rain, then a sudden snow storm all with in a few hours of each other. With all this weather cabin fever can become a problem for some folks. It comes from being cooped up inside too long. The weather gets a little cold and we have the tendency to hold up inside. We become more sedentary. Which leads to us becoming irritable, more stressed and even sad and depressed. Even though we know spring is on the way, we have to deal with winter first. There are several ways to deal with cabin fever. You can go outside. Visit the mall. Turn off the news, stop being bombarded with constant negative news. Act happy till you actually feel happy. Don’t sit around doing nothing. Do something creative. I have started a pretty big project. I have 5 gorgeous grandchildren. I am making each one a crocheted baby blanket. One for each of their first born children. I have written a letter to include and will be putting these away for them. So even if I am not physically here I will be with them in spirit to share in their happiness.


Bob G. said...

I actually look forward to a dose of Cabin fever now and then...especially if the "natives" are quiet and behaving themselves.

THEN, I can get back to READING (without interruptions), listen to music, do some handyman things about the house, or build a model or two.
Plenty to do here, that's for sure...thank GOD for HOBBIES...LOL!

(now, about that scarf I always

Good post.

Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Or you could just beat the dog; )