Thursday, January 12, 2012

I am an appaholic

Ever since I got my Kindle Fire for Christmas I have become an appaholic. I have an app to listen to the radio, to check the weather, including forecasts and local color radar, check my email, even an app to track domestic and foreign flights. I would never consider paying extra to have a smart phone but I sure do love this little gadget. Besides my personal computer, this is the greatest piece of technology to touch my life, it keeps me updated and engaged. An App, which is short for application, is a program that operates inside my fire device. I can visit and update my blog, check my Facebook via an app, even send a tweet by tapping another app on this handy dandy app filled e-reader of mine. It is amazing how many apps are out there for everything. Every day Amazon offers a different app at no charge. They also offer tons of free apps. I am off now to play Angry Birds, such a frustrating game..


Alice said...

I don't have a cell phone at all, or any of these do-dads.

Sounds fun:)

Bob G. said...

If you ever find your way to our fortress, rest assured they ALSO have an APP for THAT.

They (Microsoft) actually have an APP to AVOID THE GHETTO (works with GPS settings)...but just use it IN'll find us...LMAO!

Good post.

Stay safe (and kindling away) down there

Sandi said...

Your Kindle Fire sounds pretty cool! I haven't gone to one of those type things as yet, but I love learning more about what a person can do with them! Apps are kinda fun!