Saturday, January 21, 2012


Do you ever think about what it would be like to have lived 100-150 years ago and then gone into a coma where you don't age at all and then wake up tomorrow. How mind-blowing would all the "advancements" be? Women wearing pants and working, all kids going to school (many starting before they are even out of diapers), cars, technology, indoor plumbing, television, people talking on these little gadgets and listening to music, wow has the music changed! Sorry. I kind went off on a rant there, didn't I? Anything you want to add?


CWMartin said...

Shoot, I can achieve the same affect just going back to my childhood...

Bob G. said...

Yeah, I agree with Chris on that one...
If you wake up and things are really cool...that's ONE thing.
But, if you wake up,and everything's gone down the crapper, that would make me want to go "back to sleep"...pronto!

Good food for thought.

Stay safe down there,.