Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Writers block

I have been sitting here thinking about what am I going to write. Several times this evening I have started an entry and then deleted it. My mind has gone wandering off and I don't know where. I looked at the words I had written and asked my self what is this? I then hit the  x. . You hit the x there and it asks you if you want to save the changes made to the document. I don't  know where I am going with this. I am not sure where I am going with anything.
I was reading in a few blogs this morning and in one blog they had an assignment to post what you would put in a time capsule for your great whatever child to open in 100 years. I started thinking, what can I put in there that would show my life. I didn't  like  myself most of my life. Would I want that to be known to them? Should I sugarcoat everything and pretend that everything is okay and life was grand? I have a lot more thinking about that.
I was reading another blog that is private and in it the author was talking about how someone read their blog didn't like it  and threw it up in their face. It caused me to think. Do I not write about certain things because I am afraid that someone I know will read it? Or do I not write because I am afraid that others will read it and judge me? It is my blog and my thoughts, why do I restrain myself? Then I thought, I have always restrained myself. I hold myself back. I do not like pain and this is pain.
I am hitting save now and going outside. Maybe I will leave this in my blog, I don't know.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

We all go through that "writer's block" thingy...no big deal.

When you look back on your life (as I often do), there are always a myriad of things to post about, and you don't even have to get to the "nitty-gritty" - that's for YOU to decide.

When you look at the PRESENT, there is life all around...in motion...never static, and much of that can be inspirational.

Looking to the future is always a toss-up.
There can good OR bad, depending on your present state of mind.

Hopefully, there is optimism, and you can draw from your past as well as your present in determining a possible future.

That's just what I come to figure out (and it's a work-in-progress, as is my life...lol)

Besides, you got one helluva nice back yard view!

Stay inspired.
Stay safe down there.