Thursday, November 29, 2012

5 on Friday

1.Have you ever left the country you live in and where?
Nope. I've traveled a little around the states...but not much...I visited Canada a time or two but it was a day trip, while visiting Niagara Falls.

2.What countries would you visit if time and money were not problems?
Time and money not a problem? When did I get a TARDIS?! That would be fantastic!... Australia for sure then I want go to the UK - England Ireland Scotland...And I've been told that Italy is wonderful. So, that's on my list. 

3.Out of all the foreign food you've tried, which is your favorite and why?
I don't really have a favorite...It all depends on the mood & the food. :) I kinda like Chinese, and Mexican.

4.Can you name all 7 continents? 
North and South America Africa Australia Europe Asia.....and I had to cheat because I couldn't remember Antarctica. (It's been a day or two since I've been in school!)
5.Which continent are you least likely to ever want to see and why?
That would be the above forgotten Antarctica....just because BURRRRRRRRR!!!


Bob G. said...

1- Been to Canada, been to the Caribbean.
(other places I don't mention because I wasn't there, got it?)
And there are many states I've yet to see HERE.

2- Love to visit SCOTLAND. (lineage).
Yeah, I could use a TARDIS myself, fellow "Whovian"...LOL.

3- That's a tough one, but I would always steer clear of Vietnamese food (except for rice - can't screw with that)
Gimme good Chinese...and does PIZZA count?

4- Yeah, what YOU
THOSE 7 continents.

5- Antarctica isn't long as you're INSIDE...and WARM.
(and don't mind having your circadian rhythm screwed the heck up with long days and/or nights)

Good list.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.

CWMartin said...

Who needs a Tardis when you have Time Machine, every Friday on Tilting At Windmills? (Shameless plug)