Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Common denominator

If you are searching for the common denominator in your life, you are in luck. You are it. Now that you know you are the only consistent factor in any situation, you can begin to figure out how you are contributing to your recurring challenges and problems. This is great news because, once you realize you are at least part of the problem, you can begin to change your behavior, beliefs and attitudes that are contributing to the situation. Keep in mind that you have to concern yourself only with you, not with anyone else. You are the only one you can change. So don’t focus outside yourself. Focus on the common denominator. You will be amazed at the difference this process will make in your life. ~Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD


CWMartin said...

"we have met the enemy, and he is us..." Walt Kelley.

Bob G. said...

Now THAT is something we can all hang our hats on - good find!

(and yes, Chris/Pogo is RIGHT,

Good post.

Stay safe (and commonly denominated) down there.