Thursday, November 8, 2012

5 on Friday

1. How much time do you spend on the Internet daily?
Way to much, I'd say a good four hours.

2. What are your favorite 3 websites?
Probably Facebook, twitter, and various blogs.

3. Do you eat at your computer?
Never ever do I eat at my computer.

4. Pick one and why - Reading the news online or in a newspaper?
EASY. Newspaper, hands down. Of course, I might be a little biased, since I worked for one. Still, I enjoy having a hard copy ... of everything. News and everything else. I don't like reading news and/or serious business online. And I love the crinkly sound it makes.

5. How many people are on your instant messenger buddy list?
about 50  I only talk to about 8 of them.


CWMartin said...

1- Probably about the same, more on Time Machine days.
2- My blog, ESPN, FoxNews.
3- when necessary, with a TV tray.
4- Torn here. Print news ain't what it used to be, and is 1-3 days behind.
5- WTH is that?

Anonymous said...

1)A lot, but I've never timed it.
2)Facebook, Pinterest & All recipes
3)Sometimes I eat a cookie or ice cream bar
4)I actually do both. I have to read my hometown paper every morn. online, but now they are wanting to chg. me. Boo, that stinks!
5)I don't do that

Bob G. said...

1) Off and on - several hours.

2) eBay (rofl), blogs, and FWPD.
(helluva combo)

3) Guilty as charged - but I DO keep crumbs and liquid OFF the kybrd (that's what napkins are for)

4) the tangibility, even if it's left-leaning.
AFter reading between the lines, it gets easier to deal with it.

5) Don't do IMs anymore.
(but, Wifey got me a CELL PHONE...!!!)

Great list.

Have a beautiful weekend.
Stay safe down there.