Monday, November 26, 2012

People Who Annoy Me This Week


1. Post-Election Activists
You know the types. They say nothing before the election. Probably do not vote. Then complain and complain and rally AFTER the election. Wednesday is not the right time to decide to protest, start groups, and rally. Monday probably would have been a better day for that. I cannot even look at FaceBook right now.
2. Lazy People
The people who use the elevator to go up one flight. The people who ride the bus for three blocks.  People who toss trash on the ground instead of placing in recycle containers or trash bins.
3. Elitist Environmentalists
Yes, being green is good for the environment, and is totally fashionable. I read
a blog where the author suggested to start buying delicious organic soups and to donate your old soup to food banks. The commenters called her an elitist because why would you give poor people bad (read: Campbell's) soup? You should take that soup and composite it! These people are the elitists! People at food banks would rather Campbell's soup then no soup at all. You would really rather throw perfectly good soup onto the ground then give it to a hungry family? WTH?
4. People Who Don't Clean Up After Themselves nothing more needs to be said.


CWMartin said...

Darn, I thought I might make the list for "snarky Facebook comments"!

Bob G. said...

So, what should we DO with such people...(other than drag thenm all out into the street, strap them to a bumper, and take them for a scrape around the block)?

Oh wait, did I say that?
I was just "thinking out loud"

Good post.

Stay safe down there.