Thursday, November 1, 2012

5 on Friday

1. Washing machine: front-loader or top-loader?
I've used mostly top-loaders in my life, when it's a front-loader it's not my machine...

2. Detergent: liquid or powder?

Liquid. I use cold water to wash most of my clothes. Smells better too.

3. Rinse cycle: fabric softener or another additive?

None! I keep on thinking about adding white vinegar or baking soda (not together of course), but have never gotten around to it. I don't see a need for fabric softener, that's just a waste of chemicals. (My grandmother, when she was alive, loved to add starch to her clothes and sheets.)

4. And then: clothesline or dryer?

Everything in the dryer.  I used to use a clothes line for most everything.  I love how clothing dried out side smells.

5. Do you fold things straight off the line or out of the dryer? What do you iron (or have someone iron for you)?
Nope... I generally just hang them up.  If they're drying on hangers I just let them stay there until I wear it or I need the hangers for my new load of clean laundry.


CWMartin said...

Top, liquid, too lazy, dryer, and what's folding?

Anonymous said...

1) Top loader
2)Liquid (cold water also)
3)Softner (on jeans)
4)definitely dryer
5)Fold out of dryer & do not iron
unless I absolutely have to.

Bob G. said...


1) Top-loader...all the way!

2) Liquid.
(but I often add Borax or baking soda at this point - and a littlt bleach - WHITES ONLY).

3) Fabric Softener.

4) Dryer!
(don't want our clothes STOLEN)LOL

5) Yep - fold right away or place Wifey clothes on her hangers...she's spoiled, I know.

(Besides, I got enough "wrinkles" on me...don't need more on the clothes...ROFL!)

Good list.

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe down there.